A debut exhibition featuring two of our founding artists, Reo Ma and Teebai, who lay the foundations for Form n Void - a space where artists are free to create and curate art unconventionally, breaking free from the cultural and commercial confinements of art institutions.
Amidst the prevailing tide of homogeneity in modern society, art has the ability to stand as a beacon of diversity and a champion of the marginalised. It celebrates the complexities of the human experience, and reminds us of the beauty and power found through understanding our differences. Our collective envisions connecting with a diverse audience in a place where people can feel like they belong, battling against the alienation many feel in the art world today, to simply appreciate and discuss art in its purest form.
Our first exhibition, Entering the Void, is a premiere of Form n Void's philosophy. The entire space has been transformed into an installation wherein each one of us becomes part of the exhibition. Everyday urban souls pass by and enter the space without knowing how, or what they will contribute to the exhibition. A reflection of Form n Void; an undefined space that embraces the organic exploration and evolution of ideas in unknown directions. Each piece is an artistic statement through the observation of societal issues and civilisation as a whole.
The exhibition aspires to stimulate us into letting go of society’s cultural norms and beliefs of what art is; to inspire a collective counterculture which embraces the curiosity and playfulness within all of humanity, which we believe is essential to the process of making art that speaks to your soul. We believe that by encouraging and cultivating artistic expression, we can promote diversity of thought, individuality of spirit, and ultimately a better understanding of ourselves and humanity.